Sunday 1 July 2007

Bombay rains ... ?

Laughing matter.

Laughing on bloody Mumbaikars.
Oh wait, laughing on bloody Indians.

Bombay pays highest amount of property tax among all cities in India
highest part of income tax
highest road tax
I am not sure, but I think sales tax on various items is also the hihgest in Maharashtra.

The gullible ppl pay all the taxes and duties. Just like paying hafta to a local goonda.
And needless to say - expect nothing out of that money paid.

Oh and this goes not just for Bombay, but for the WHOLE OF INDIA.

British found really soft target. No wonder they ruled over us so easily.

Rightly said, we Indians were meant to be ruled over - earlier by British, and now by a small clan of our own ppl - the politicians and administrators.
Funny, isn't it?

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